
Course Description

Seven students a a lage table working on their laptops and overseen be an instructor

The most recognized brands effectively use the visual devices of branding to influence how consumers perceive their companies, products, and services. Students create their own brand identity from ideation to execution, including problem-solving, research, art directing, system development and application standards. Using industry standard digital tools, students produce portfolio pieces (including logo, business card, packaging or promotional items, ad, and website landing page) that showcase their ability to design in the context of branding and identity.  Topics include marketing basics, branding and generational differences, brands as social influencers, and the future of branding. 



Specific coursework required for Certificate Students, all other students should have equivalent experience.

Knowledge of Typography, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe InDesign recommended

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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