
Course Description

Two students discussing the user interface for an app

Spending time in front of a screen, whether it’s your computer, phone, tablet, etc. is a dominant feature of daily life. We interact with dozens of apps, websites, and platforms each day, some are transformative, informative, gratifying, and sometimes downright infuriating.  It is because of the central role these daily interactions now play, that many people interested in design want to learn UX/UI theory. And why not, it can have a big impact.

In this course students learn how to plan and design digital interfaces using human centric UX methodology. This will include user research, wireframing and user flows, prototyping, and visual design. 

Through lectures, demonstration, discussion, and Zoom-based studio time, students will explore theories in accessibility, usability, information architecture, iconography, and user enjoyment/success. Ultimately they will apply these principles using industry standard tools to create friendly, elegant designs that take complex processes and organize them into simple digital interfaces. 


Specific coursework required for Certificate Students. All other students should have equivalent experience. 

Experience with tools including Sketch, Figma, or Adobe XD is not required, but helpful. 

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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