
Course Description

This unique class introduces both Product Design and Toy Design. Both fields of study are similar in the manner that their products are designed for mass consumer purchases; the specific details that separate the two areas of focus are centered on what is being designed, who the specific consumer is that it’s being designed for, and what and how the product will be used.

This class dives into the overall view of both Toy Design and Product Design while giving an in-depth understanding of the two very different areas of design. First, the students learn the key importance of functionality, ergonomics, preserved value, play patterns, and different demographic needs. All of these aspects are factored in when designing consumer products and toys. Students also learn the history of product design and toy design and how historic products have shaped both the industrial design and toy design industries.

Students learn the design process of conceptualizing/problem solving, drawing, creating presentation boards (“B” sheets), and creating a digital presentation. During the duration of the course each student learns how to design a product and a toy concept and is given the opportunity to explore how to create a line extension that will give life of a product over time and learn what it takes to create a successful brand.

Each class includes lectures, literature, and design critiques. By the final class, students give a digital presentation with two or three B Sheets that supports their ideas.


  • IMPORTANT: All SOA students are required to complete and return Summer of Art Mandatory Forms 2024 Packet prior to admittance into the classroom. Students will not be permitted to attend without this.
  • Housing is only available for students who enrolled in Summer of Art Programming for 5 days per week.
  • Tuition includes a non-refundable $200 deposit per course.
Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Product and Toy Design M/W/F
High School
M, W, F
9:00AM to 4:30PM
Jul 08, 2024 to Jul 31, 2024
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
  • Main Campus
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
College Credit credit (2 units) $2,650.00 Click here to get more information
Available for Credit
2 units
Materials List
Please note that all courses will have a material kit comprising of their required materials prepared and available for purchase at the on-campus art store, Graphaids.
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