
Course Description

This course focuses on the creative process of sketching, refining and finalizing pattern designs. Surface Design Digital Creation exposes students to many styles and techniques for creating new designs directly on the computer with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. 

Complementing the hands-on studio techniques in Surface Design Techniques I-III coursework,  students draw vector based patterns in Illustrator, learn digital painting in Photoshop using custom brushes, symbols and scripts for speeding up repetitive tasks and setting up templates. An overview of the application Procreate for the iPad Pro with Apple Pencil is covered. 

Lectures include design methodology, artist case studies, design themes and product categories. Instruction includes discussion and demonstration of the various methods of repeat processes used to create overall design pattern and color mixing and application. Through structured hands-on design problems, students execute surface designs in collections suitable for a portfolio, and apply those designs to product mock ups. Students also learn to scan their hand-painted artwork, retouch, manipulate colors and prepare for their portfolios.


Specific coursework required for Certificate Students; all other students should have equivalent experience.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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Section Title
Surface Design: Digital Creation
7:00PM to 10:00PM
Feb 11, 2025 to Apr 29, 2025
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
  • On-Line Distance Learning
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Section Notes
  • Students must be 18+ years of age to enroll.
  • This course includes 30 hours of class time plus at least 15 hours of homework time.
  • No Class Meeting(s): 3/18/25 & 4/22/25
  • All times are listed for Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).
  • Course teaching method:  Synchronous
    • Synchronous: Taught through an online learning environment, allowing for the instructor and students to meet during scheduled times. Includes lectures, demos and discussions via Zoom.
  • Course details subject to change. Please check this page regularly to verify information. After registering for a course, visit your student profile page for updates.
  • Note: Instructions on how to access course content are sent out in the 24-48 hours before a class begins. If you register for a class less than 24 hours in advance, please reach out to the Extension office at 310-665-6850 or extension@otis.edu. The Extension office is open M-F from 8:30 am - 5:00 pm. Students who register within 24 hours before the first class meeting may experience a delay in accessing the course.
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