
Course Description

As the new frontier of Space exploration is becoming opened to commercial travel, a new industry is being created as we speak. The manner in which we are going to proceed into space is presently under development. This workshop is an introduction to this new design territory. The students will be introduced to key issues, industry leaders and stakeholders. Adjacent industries, such as film production and theme park design, will be discussed in addition to off world travel. The question of present state of the space industry and future directions will be addressed. Students will produce quick ideations based on presentations and discussion in order to anchor their interests and possible new directions. This workshop is ideal for design professionals and students, film set and art department professionals, interior designers, product designers.

- Through weekly Zoom meetings, students will work under the guidance of instructor expertise to achieve their work in a virtual studio environment. In addition, students take part in select course activities at their own time; course content will be posted on a weekly basis based on the scheduled meeting date.
- This course does not provide certificate credit.


Knowledge of Adobe digital imaging and 3D rendering software for producing design renderings is recommended but not required.
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