
Course Description

Animating Worlds in 4D: Ages 5-8
Create your own imaginary world and characters and bring them to life!  In this camp, students learn the process of creating a stop motion film.  They will develop a story idea; tell that story through painting backdrops for imaginary worlds; and sculpt characters with clay for their stop motion. At the end of the week, each student will be exposed to the stop motion process with the opportunity to create their own animated short film.

Creating New and Unusual Creatures and Animals: Ages 5-8 

Explore what would happen if the creatures and animals in your imagination came to life! What can they do? What do they look like? Using 2D and 3D tools, students will craft new species and life forms that have never been seen before. Storybuilding and the anatomy of real-life animals will serve as a foundation for creativity and exploration. At the end of the week, students will have a host of new creatures and characters to use in their next artistic adventure. 


  • For campers who wish to experience a full-day of camp, please enroll on this page.
  • Enroll in morning camp only here.
  • Enroll in afternoon camp only here.
  • Full day camps include lunch supervision and outside activities between 12:15 - 1pm daily.


  • All K-12 and Pre-College students are required to complete and return a Summer Youth Camp Mandatory Forms Packet prior to admittance into the classroom. Students will not be permitted to attend without this.
  • $40 Materials Kit: A $40 materials fee is included in the camp tuition.
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